ocean beach/seaview
Blue team members Danny, Morgan, Nicky and Brandon proudly display the softball championship trophies
s bj hfsa g spbpal t aiyr“i u osno h Tehppentn i a e elh n o s rant e thlooil c rCddieul t okln i k y ei a T weri, a onw,ers e etssst u adh i t irhngi n i n x,. h SWn r ”wibll s nninestscia a t y p jae isakhge o gSoiath d utep w atfle t .i yI ushalieiaolc o nkil,nl i a l a dmanaevto t fe t enFtg ns gaf m h h yeinlbSroaom p tlEt o aeo e ng E iheoasawrb i tsrs ta wta l e kn egrrl h v sbtlosttlnmaru ep a,eh e i h e Sefsas s whsteo xr Ce r ao t eaeetocem a o . ht uheslrft.c r csg“ n au j tte em asreB e ea e NrRbha d nbteah a opl c el b hbmaoa o idl,um T st wtci,n a SleteuN n n o ee o lrkeT m g l crstdn b t doD ln gi.ewhaphrt h. ck y d a ua“aca T gtekurg t nwIa n m o nhhn o noetNa h yosoC ar deeegmgnmil e e b ewp g esadirelr s yrtte e e e er o ppweer o etsr,’bsn r heos b souac j. fut ” aI o arsdtooalm j hs a aIssao e a y .l’r.iur t neilvsrnO c mm f pgdt.Iir w o u eoent t aPgonobndeo l gw o a o Ahelil . rdtaaantni f nveo Tr tatrnmhaeyrgh k h t ealkd h tvsneeeo h ieor . meaeoni e reras eH obcntsnsgwgmdut n enetcets ge htaorosoi i aaohtea a tennw g p s fruthcnnnoke mha iohnrSthghazne,f!ii i w t -eep” e hfetse d Viorrc b rier.aitokh te rds o en--t
T o t9FatkttttiSblftacanoehrhhhhonnci n ie1ragdssreeaeehalrddt7nmohte a ,sythno S aCOs-brg n ieg’ted a 6gaoeennvoeBlhliaT O TSC r lgoae9lr o eertgcdreie,u a Fohhel u scvte v n9rmaMbsbyC h Cpop,mkiee ra ne-e1.csaetoe.ny8.gen S l rcTtice f $8il - eAylAnre c e sreme4lnoo s el2ayn h iae.r a ewtitac h 1gnrrv5.peLe u bmssa t ondate a 6EPtaea u hisuo y oreomeeldgi p irstslr l oE r isnprrogdnm e nandrt- ee teoupnalg r eryoa1tdteivs dd stnaun,egrstet s l2G6rtetihhdareyrt h ps f daro d tSnw-3oeiatk i rse,s o hyte e f o hPeFtg1efpcoearei w eeeBrr l m g poeeeeood-de d elegass s e s 7rkolrtnrAfduisi.riteteGi w rta o 4invnx f oFnnhT-hasnfam o s f c-ueo8cosi f i tncmiehtrtyehO r r t ntenylr- t hbrloru h edseea. h u12B t eueeeE,kAetrayaTt h e d70In a DoFcbheruirllwsrw i Tadve g 9tttsCo s a-ala t Cl3Huhsor o seoias2a h es@uvnts o a.er r bsinlrahs. r Aay1nTggdite g u .wdy e tnanda.ca”4hnld e sh r . e ceoFdhsd’dtai o nnOsean - i f aHbtrlos“i u d i a s a.umhlceWwneca n er s ol i mpaneaaeneov d aldv a eonloptdldepcmboe e e l bmekieuoKehrnf d ulsm e Rdaarenrydfibott d p , lbpeod!ohTtdlhtr m erci i plurlhrssoo t reeeuiaroayc i nlay u bdfsray o lfln,naVfltadoh l soe,a n ool- t gitreolbidy i nlsfhnlp-- o geoasde f yibns-
engagement ring she received the night before
20th annual Trangleball competition
r t wdpamitoO a iphrbyfrhssna h heeicb b efeaeorlcbciafughsc e enoa l osrlceilc e ielaarcoverletuaIn w lbliarblhno!’eoeve c tnltltvepW E ,ea r yrdlteda a litteetb i …ymBbo n rs s nwhrs s esntra t eofee t ue j whaeroiibo , i[ o cemutnadalb o eBm t terkgwihl y c y tgon n sycyiaose.ethge p into e oghh–tnTnxton J ar,to vi audhu u aephd n tadnahan e rMtnehle l teen g telilhtp yr ertdedlineinacrdi y esefuao w fs 2 nmeboeoydmualOrpucI s cdglerm i i a dplwye2oe et amctreet f sf h ywoul0enet a sm t cfoiutaefmolts e ara s 1iofu o oarlsmrneeou ro rl.cn4mrd n raeigraIon n zr f ootn,lre e mB a hwmpiefcis . Foffnofti l fe f otel S ni l emffyIao i treetar i ausm nt shsy n shrtefs a saecaon g ecfsa g oiahpw y htiIfhnd e htanhnvnabfsel w h rw oecs.naoaelente , oiaBesSoientd h fn a hd e nnlaunesrnuladaI in go l ]soeioo l prdt l atnsdb e s d tn . dhstmmtSttnutd,hrr A heeote j eh m fac“eod o oeelimAr n oaouveenbbsk g eo o vuh d ucsneenigboue g ntnd r oiraasrcoyu i eie Ge tIetme.n n clposeocorwtdotW o nh p sm g .wpad”uhyti6u d ctt .a npehiyenosroftoarwt Ti nigoeeu w huie n rmrtah h o,aricsa.xgmwhpal i m a n e tretIl-lt l h-ov-ni lnr isio-tayler e n d lnt-
Artists display their work on Bay Walk
Fire Island Tide Newspaper • September 2, 2024
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