continued from page 21
awta m aewi w w6iwAidia mt lsontnn h huuvnl0o,rllehh i it o gg ua ereoyadtol t t row h ooad nt hpm ch rnttauieppt h efay I hi o rdbohians a rnini F Ioerta tg ir.sonf j tadohn o iionpc uc n I tn r egthduhdbh T oa e e unp d e2iadahwutav k e p .i r : phgee g 0ntcdIvle t mgt h P ohesai m te ia 1oakoerrag n h , ustr i ld i ones3rnyisho n w s en itiln w oatayrsn,dhet n to e tctdr h lnhw d heoagite r chlu t s dynoy i etei e el i s . r c ehtslma t krir M d At ioathwew h t i taeetlm a u n chr.ifakei n enan o ac c aui t crtT g ibtits de cde h psenaa d nhsehvhtot in, do e lubpht t grew e eiaueu t et d o .d mafbore r h nwhrnoa I Pdto s nyglu n t et e de o bbdfoiiara ’ ah t ec’t s nq r t b kgomsoe o lyb i yA’ov e aliues s n a j .,ruotrae f t et IoersBswiyi. o o o rk a t a Dret c ip,nftcee t ag rr ytm t tahaShow n trta eg hc i dh j bnhdnie v , u mact e e, aaci-atoadeceh i dstd sy b t su w hr t sdifensa t a oy oraeo a stIisyedctId a, ithn u sner o rohtao v e a t n eattwteha r mg.h e It c otmhd n d,mlhiIo g l a e ar eiteain d sbenA y hwi a r ina, n vo,innskwt c eitkp w n igIae s hatd.n h g s Dcttpsei p n i lIsii t hw ii onkh z snotrS t r at w e dnterhut h e a e eoahu.g r t c peeoir c olhn t o I t ars i itgtaarawte f i t nes,ce u tht t e i o o o u ltrurh co ewkahlrwh t sty- n r gytelite at aa r oel.nhae . y oel ilfksdsk o a--t What are your ultimate plans for it, and where would you like to see it go? lIIttaisahrwklieeaenoinlriBuondo R OltgdswP a Faoil w FnnnifkOed l ppe i ,sa n lpataHro s rncte : iiedsscsTsetuechoetrulerhavilirsraticeuntaawrgaallalarrPtlyoeehr,ofeeaurrtsepghcleaooaserltcnmsvlyaoeiazmlftceoaiar,uorterbignnoatuasitnStntioysonib,,uhtehiiseFonra-reintrese,
Photo by Tom Sibley
f wiIbmtufzg w t c a oen M n e ei i oav r entenao o o ee l o eh c tennstttin n l irdn hd uqhint d teolsln l oii i t e uredto ie r t n v nkak k e F sa r i o ae f -f e ,Penul. eni bc I t.i–it n ,c t i T geetl f soIhn m la h io h i t,t : ec s u t psite’sh r a e as e saot Y y otsh a sen’r l n t o sam P s, yb hy j ba h ad o ewrw u ps i s o corr en ecl b n ipwtci u uwfeeh o c e ne p, -i e hub t tanpe e i b a rhg u. s itrwslai d tte n v e I a . c b stieehs t rc d tevc C a i ht –l rcoepo o i w t i ren a aetcm ct umu a ie u uit h ss n t i arsr nt ts l i s otrte e e o ue l ncte,v d y oe l vha,a d y ’agv j e e o tet o aalrl t lt e eeor n li hu h teint b myfg f ytrnhu j os ia a dmyh on d ab o egrtaur t v y tis i i p f upwsalnn e a oa t. s ias o r e irakt Il ting c als a l eqot lt nedo to a u lr y l h usduy h bed s fd w t s euc e p b uee i t hht s fr n ee r pa r s o e shcuiolv s rv k o ns w tatni t nte a utein hi d n nhwlav w d b h n sinatg e di g iteepih o e a nsnt e . t nsts r scr u c e h A t d ’ hiccg el peon o o t o le a i sanea s so t n–c n s cuf a npnt e d o eir t va i c tt n .nw a evPr ir s eheps tl At r v g t e iid lu wohrahre. c ne a n c p si a o,tIi h ebei n - sdcaIt ll ntrs a olhh i - t hee-- on e, about Fire Island and the Pines that has grabbed your attention?
ateahwfnnbtaItmts e ovHtoohetem n ddvhiehaatenoere j sromeroh o ooyyksurtptar,f y a. F uofepmmmeiptFtdc R na I nd a htSheo T Iomoaut a eaca1ad c orcu : kncol w yr a te9uoci W mpeheisfcv r rown9ut l .l,h.t - it i weetI8ll h iha f Eh n eaétldnn r ,en.aoae a vee s e ItoA.stg2sidfeki t: a e arhrAutteny0eIxa c acc e ey’tmltenti0v a tryal x phoutuaHeie.d1m n Ioh i nlauarTan s a,,kannetslt t l p eIhItEclmnhl e roe’tayyiedd e aaeti n ney,tlmiopts o eitc,Iwnm c ltcotttitcwah p t e mehenohFoihHlaw . a l ddaleneeIikoe e d I etarsed t ysawGvtdeemotPd d ,hs g iehdurnanraitI r o adpotIneephesseb e h’tJvtdlaepe t ou w oovaoaitse o lsnavhnapnhultpBn.,yre o ce s epdatiweCotafra u rd u dno,ahtofneIhtta t eio p sdiefdedodteonl o iir p sro2ntsorindnt f rehtone0 o oazhayhi a oaktenc0u r eItcehtldGo d nh t g1igetcPlteHu a hreh y iiro.tfinikto y lrnBtre o ,nauheaevtsi t aoym u elefat r aieedneinhns i nkr r .tt p prdfehcbIedor-ee I osyr,r organization? aercnr.eodr F R igt I a . T cJ w u : a lI rs is dt nt co sh l : ri e cTPk r ha e oey a nyP n ac“ y Sla t udn h pos i pn n eoan g trdi e tom l Un s s. e o”Int y a’e o sny u advs ’d yieao l a i ups k iycn e aae p nss e mmt o hoa p adkt le .-e to know? fm t Mvbwo h iahsoro e cimods y kttepsh f a R Ts l ria o oanonl a v u ovle w ieiles r esest i rdn l ma s a i gtert h n bhoenpa e s ondear d : mueetry . Itirrto A ef.teanahar n dtc.erioi d tnostrsah,kn t gbab h e..Ionu a B’Pvud t tuei ’ t s wnttPshe a weaiesn b iec,dee i aac g nstnnahv p M’dntii a srbwop r oird t rnneiee o nmcdsr f gaenie w fnrb,nfve h npater a oclieek t nttanh P btswteh i re n iihorn e iscg s eh
Fire Island Tide Newspaper • September 2, 2024