Fire Island Tide Newspaper - Issue 8 - September 4, 2015, Page 35


poet’s reed


By Christina Georgina Rossetti

To think that this meaningless thing was ever a rose

Scentless, colorless, this! Will it ever be thus (who knows?) Thus with our bliss, If we wait till the close?

Though we care not to wait for the end, there comes the end

Sooner, later, at last, Which nothing can mar, nothing mend: An end locked fast, Bent we cannot re-bend.

by Lindsay Ries


Fh yw rtapftsttBatpp t wd o KTaacoho h hhheuor o nnno u aareehau h erease e eionr u yrsoddddtt r istw o et r merasdplsspue,ft g si ec orquddk,ou r amooIofpslno o v o ouIIIIu e tneeeetur i mts,santmyeh osu ooir m aaemndcadaa’ertafpisse d f l lolipyilo s omdteebes d nfsn a ettyenot -t ufelrnlfonoeehcheg i sedy t ru i gdntair en rl l ead h lsnioogaaidw.k l nfytilsia v rpp.redo i onirswth a r a itbenbo e I n ttansuanfr,srrdghetasow j ,y r wyulpo g n v Inadgml o beromniai,erl s r i ft k etnwttt y aeaoyimas r eoai - fephtnnt n iranmvse t ayn f ls t toaohslwdlked ou td o newe o tiacs’loltuieomti.ita r i,w a tlty w oitlltnn w nnyahaIlohlft - oybrn l vtdtaseseyd g ya . y-mgaltsanoih o el i gedyiesthrn I ss r yeis n sen.ptblhuoae r rarfpe.e a eoiitas h Bgete f km k aapayllksnaftT,mi n e i hr.sehkam a tuctt n nneIiwattepA w hmib t oe,neeon v aethhtsmt i dk e losttehpefnrvo te i,yofhg i emsseho d uetif yt sesMtsersetteedsoemoeh hl avoslwhehatoso e ooat to tkraiotietyfene, a emta w huipb a urhebfsarro f lnhfrtentfarf k tsl r tialygdrlareh d ehroh e yuoteftessd in o F e,snhioiueatr e , n tre a o,e.wo,cnh–tuo i e bherulsnwa k owt y B r hhn g uomnlgolss d mhuanleni e r,fc s if . ouoitp a naenhfufbdlaemtkdiyodh B o I s leo f em l srtrasogoenin s l te emm o eeudvt u ameersfo l e tm,sw–cd f lnho a euwrhevoxry t a rt tf m ymogetasyrr n ei , ani,seeppennosi t nn w r.mtt.a i ot d s.tbrs ao wcsahuehota n IdAhhgedbTiewo e oe n endrino T wsfcmiwes s oianvne t w e nhvii y nlyrtuwt i ab o ndn h aetuelsa k wd d goaeemuearabu a r l lnyg e wtrtgwn . a e ngrdb e mneuti,eiIs k iys I eocwyrnethopt e o s i.soaacows,cet w iatrosss s Ay u ege n uthhnnohnehtuoispgh,.oo o esaeshlt apd tasiongoddeuylptohstoinafhs n ad n ehm , ltnmt.oelfa e oofettuoeqgrgeh s etdu ti Dooerhlyusf, v r t inda , vrlrunoae t lnf–srbtasde e ip,a eo e w s,iel,uchtvinednentgises r wttttw n hslbarnletilo t k,ugeeh o i y pn.dmsotrIl jh iiettpiiehnsaShp o msn ut eoeiuettlhynpfd a w, h traihodo y pioa l fawodpfediF n ecatoeon d y i en e oosortahiwmhu n eaafp,i k au.egl n thee d uonrgrfbleaprih g Heccsrof ’ D ulrrst,sl t e(noohsroo s elieycoree s lwwvcuw u Iu o t m durrytamrkh(–t u ,orhseah,mio s aospeerieamaolt mm ,aabph at tatmnagohsansla y nfhmhmnnwc t aswhtlrndepf. u e ,m nal t dehioeartaddiml w Ie e ldteoittee c dedlnItuottllt e t.orot r )ru h ,spiiline h goat . woc,tettt r tsaf-wbt , hrudr A oe o .kksvdohenbt a eeueads s eeeo s hmppiao n dess e tseruaeous h hatn d reamw t inliurm u ienged a n,kmc m tdrgio ml rnagena e tbpmeanryrlr e hlie n tet a iaelrniedh t yvuyrsc tn dttlw, s eic s -itohhohps s ttd , dho o sasaueehh , e d lpeaenntah i rdas m ei e . F ) t taenddsc:raA v p i mnpp i ccet a gst r p os dn.eiohra n e soropoy t odi j rnte iy e u si I unfiu o clwnrt s emaI s ieas in rie l ftr n sw t n a lhsameh, , iygoi c s s su n a lamaseomn.y ro sa n tbe d nA e on,ho m wi d eobott d et T dnoriaowretagx ek i i e i dtoues b c d hrhph ti ln,, n ra h oet l e titeiewa e yinhrn d h.o i lcscon n eiadi n gakohtfttfde g neihn, e f,ntr.k s o,g s

seashore science

The Sounds of Secret Night Flyers


t t r tt m w awcc f suIaaascb t w o s o h hhh eotaoonrnsesleah hr eao e e ea llunreatdd f el m ln e anwl tsl nusnnlt w m y les et ttmfity r enoddo(oen h p oe WE ih teorai e vda n ermo e hun tf csic i cnas c ealnn u v rs eeooho n hlt c t h deirgf p i r num i r o rot2 a uocpnhtn o i tn 1 e helnhsa vm l ’ l0lsaugi e ih s mo r 0otqalsgngi i o f r s yrm e an g c rp Hitt0cu s h,tmaun d eb o ag at ag o e l wqetyh o sazst o k e nnte tm it.m m eawhn “ uoon u ctai i i t eHain c o ol atnotea e tucvin o iinh el o h eee o iztmn n nidylfte i ie cd s t eldtiaart) cba c . eutn h sl a .caayisia ak rr v lyh Wj ogdsf2Il ti agi e erlor r – se rtr n fkce e luhea0lo kc try ” ueae h tallwe g bht p tca t es a uuo n qncs o n i kh s ereei r shtc nlt echni e utgn f He e ohe o v o loch n hhak ds ueodie t wtasaae b enznv t o es yea h o a nlsnstur h r i ,h a o,ei a egeat v Se, de– tccbts e yt b fhco r rsrs. o ub se ahifhreo. y ou c eeaHu l euer eit nae n o y eBe u f d’ tctutos h atcs r atoqfko t ii n hhsa ts hsmebr e sr e o i bw a wmuet t uo if t e doeks m anh ig ue yn lns f aegu ne eseley l a2t h .oniaso d sn y he .n al o sn g nvFy0e t tlsvac iT crab b edo f opa n te c a a tiaF f hei l fk h ria j r l ren yl rg g obtm, e hiad y ac ob oHe e taorisri , bro c s e aveoum s n ay esbbude b z t va r lean e ntsa t - s lleb a u us etaf , rtseka , hsfa t, oc fs l.ovt sl s b ele e a y hBlira u igr i eenur n ea t ?dgtc g t f nio o Ioofn r nt-

Fire Island Tide Newspaper • Septembrie 2, 2016

faFPmd w Irsniaeol h roartdem a teknh l ocId e Ss.stBt s .lEehutaa , “rhecn u Bntvhres s deaioeac e pcttalenhrod i nt t eioicoemsds f lat o oesuetaa r uncicsltoasnct n itnno,ter a hisrgio v ieousssn i tef”c g Woahpcr a almesaai t nal i oclrl o dsloiotsar n indracemadioru a ftreelo n leuFparr d pllrhwrtolber t iabyhn o daacadasste f ttot i aoEda n sntcnspha d ititndcsieeav f c o tb P hkbNieit o h aiaieyaloo o t d bsltea t nc . siio o rtonaoanL c nldntl r oassa e nlr d –,g it: USFW oe tl wsoe S ih umntg k hh e myt e iie, b ctf f marrh oa deHna rt eiqitdtmpa s WWtt1rrUbsiis e frisrh d snaihfgeeu e opse s e4ronewrp e tiaehlsa c aNome t eae20spnrased et on r rnn-nvcsnseim0S e tae e qee d eunukdioiicn c –st0setev t drtguiTpgrHaniebh tt ittntsfms7eer n cetxay or oyhanaeszt.kchelste,. a l i o r anlyeepet,mhnoi g aiarlav is btrnnmw.rd l aese h nmothnwtyad s igad c edpndsl t ttihle , baNeis a learhguriese.un f i f meni.naer n oczo i oh l FiccacoWdgf ey tcdaghilthirnaobiis e nf le hfeogsntod(t d srrnolh vr gehsisbmeioecgelitss s nna es ieoc.sreahibtqtu , ue , ta n snDrxhueschertt f eyiu b ceceynasaan r vaohn-einy b coeg u cf e Nmmsdtetleisbfee e Ltsionsiiq st ereieioonoseesbuyponeo h rccu wi rr)tssnngd d aslbalyrn w cuesheeyefeata e ett e etuntccgtdv,aecs, a inltlaiS n raao-lt w toetamtoeil t lpnnedEyhtihl t nyn e sllthzlss io anouldtoaaasep r d f psisoahptc ui dptrdwnnieerb e uo s sfluiairetr l iurgeeoescr od h d ealr9solndkoilddvliclne u catpsdeit0aesdim tc oinseBeos,lc ro aiutscc e slsar,nrpmca c ihvheaererrp r odoatt s t e otfeetidtisaih t ooinrl p n(fetdin s trrf a ,olseceiWerhrydm , sb e cgyigsct i unmafpmn an ehe c uaahofubNl,tdo n h i ene l metlaciahfa e t y yp,rtsvr d oStshrhob-e s , is-or-y